The ManEco Foundation has been in existence since 2018. The main mission of the organization is to raise awareness on climate change issues. Over the years, the organization’s focus has been educational projects and organizing activities to empower leaders and active citizens.


In 2022, Тhe ManEco Foundation developed a capacity of partnerships with local and international organizations and experts, allowing it to work in the field of consulting services for companies in the line of training for employees, developing sustainability strategies, calculation and reporting of carbon footprint, calculation of energy efficiency, ESG standards and reporting, climate change, circular economy, optimization of energy consumption, implementation of sustainable practices, among others.


With more than 66 organized Climate Fresco workshops across the country and over 1600 participants, the ManEco Foundation can provide a professional experience to learn more about climate change in a simple and creative way. The workshop is suitable for all business representatives – managers, shareholders, employees, as well as for different occasions – sustainability trainings, company holidays, team building events. The workshop is developed and standardized by Climate Fresca Association.

Accompanying the training is the Foundation’s Environmental Manifesto, in which you can find more than 150 sustainable practices to apply on an individual level.


The organization works with a wide range of scientific and expert literature, has its own articles and a library of reports and guidelines for sustainability companies. Main areas of research: history of global warming, circular economy, conflict, managing climate change crises, energy diplomacy and climate literacy.